

作者: 大数据观察来源: 大数据观察时间:2017-05-25 15:24:020


新的WibiEnterprise 3.0平台可以让公司客户用能自我调整的高级分析工具驱动网站,从而随时间推移提供更好的推荐和其他功能,包括更相关搜索结果和定制内容。

Wibidata负责现场运行的副总裁Omer Trajman表示,该平台被设计用来为刚开始使用数据科学的客户服务。“他们并未接受过专业训练,但却有分析背景。他们一直都在做营销分析。机制类似,改变的是数据的提供”。

WibiEnterprise 3.0使用名为Kiji的开源框架搭建,该框架是搭建利用大数据集的应用的通用平台。



Wibidata管理数据的方法与传统数据仓库系统截然不同。在电子商务领域,传统数据仓库系统存储交易信息,如可能进行的购买,或在中心事实表(central fact table)中操纵购物车。对于一家商业零售银行而言,这些数据可能包括账户的信用额度和扣除。库存单位信息或地理位置数据则存储在维度表中,以提供该笔交易的细节信息。


使用WibiEnterprise 3.0的公司包括一家排名前十的零售商,该零售商已经将WibiEnterprise 3.0整合到网站中,以便在网络销售过程中提供相关联的、语境化的购物推荐。还有一家国际商业零售银行也在使用WibiEnterprise 3.0的技术,以综合多个客户数据源,应用债务模型来更好地检测欺诈和信用风险。Opower使用WibiEnterprise 3.0向公共事业提供商客户提供定制报告,解释如何减少能源使用和省钱。世界上最大的SaaS(软件即服务)提供商之一也使用WibiEnterprise 3.0来帮助他们的客户识别潜在消费者。





Wibidata, a big data application provider, has a new platform for building real-time apps that shows the increasing accessibility of machine learning and how e-commerce companies can provide an experience similar to a giant like

The new WibiEnterprise 3.0 platform allows a company to power a site with advanced analytics that fine-tunes itself, providing better recommendations and other features over time, including more relevant search results and personalized content.

The platform is designed for the customer who is beginning to use data science, said Omer Trajman, vice president of field operations at Wibidata. “They are not classically trained but they have an analytics background. They have been doing marketing analytics. The mechanics are similar, what has changed is the availability of data.”

WibiEnterprise 3.0 is built on an open source framework called Kiji, which provides a common platform for building applications that leverage large data sets.

At its core, Wibidata is offering a platform that takes into consideration the fact that companies often have just a few seconds to engage their customers. People use all sorts of personal devices and can turn to a competitor with just a few clicks. But with all this data, companies also have an opportunity to learn about their customers by analyzing their digital interactions. Doing that means building a storage system that provides a 360-degree view of the customer.

Like Google and Amazon, Wibidata’s Kijii framework uses a central storage system that allows a customer to collect user interactions across all of its applications, searches, purchases, likes, clicks and requests for product information. It’s what is called an “entity-centric storage system,” which essentially pools all the data so a company with sophisticated apps and services can do real-time queries and act on a customer’s recent information to deliver content personalization, relevant search results and recommendations.

Wibidata’s approach is in contrast to traditional data warehouse systems that manage data in a much different way. In the context of e-commerce, these older systems store transactional information such as likely purchases, or shopping cart manipulations in a central fact table. For a retail bank, this data might include credits and deductions from accounts. SKU information or geographic location data are stored in dimension tables to provide a detailed view of the transaction.

There are two problems with the approach, Wibidata argues. It can get expensive and it centers around the transaction instead of the user that is generating those transactions. Furthermore, it gets even more complex when using historical data, which has to get extracted from other systems, cleansed and then integrated with the current transaction data.

Companies using WibiEnterprise 3.0 include a top 10 retailer which has integrated it with its website to create relevant, contextual shopping recommendations during the online sales process. An international retail bank is also using WibiEnterprise 3.0 technology to combine multiple customer data sources and apply in-house debt models to better detect fraud and credit risks. Opower uses WibiEnterprise 3.0 to deliver personalized reports to utility provider customers explaining how to reduce energy usage and save money. And one of the largest SaaS providers uses WibiEnterprise 3.0 to help their customers identify prospective customers.

Wibidata is a powerful platform but it also reflects the complexity that comes with managing data across so many different devices. There is an infinite data supply but the technology needed to use it means a new way of organization that cuts across the way a company treats its own historical investments. There are the added cultural hurdles that come with a change in business approach that is more customer, than transaction-focused.

These sets of challenges also impact new startups like Wibidata, which are advocating disruptive approaches that put them in direct competition with companies like Oracle and established SaaS providers like Baynote.

There is no doubt that it is getting easier to have the same capabilities as a company like But the challenges come with the will of the customer and the ability of a company like Wibidata to keep ahead of the competition.

原文:Wibidata Machine Learning Platform Offers Capabilities Comparable To And Google (



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