

作者: 大数据观察来源: 大数据观察时间:2017-05-30 12:57:500

如今我们可以轻松地从云端雾端,或者某些静态设备(static device)收集数据,但是这些数据无法量化客户体验时的情感。大型企业利用无处不在的信息感知移动设备(information-sensing mobile devices)、软件日志(software logs)、摄像头、麦克风、射频识别(RFID)读取器以及其他的科技手段来尽可能地对所有数据加以利用。然而,我们有如此之多的设备来记录各类数据,却在情感数据的搜集上存在一个黑洞。企业们需要着手制定计划来填补这一虚空。


在“情感罗盘”缺失的情况下,对大数据的客观分析能够非常精确地定义一次互动或经历。但只有在情感数据中,我们才能找到“某人是否会记住这次经历?”这类问题的答案。情感数据能促使人们将事实和感知,以及那次经历的可能蕴意融合在一起。情感数据的黑洞正是通过这种方式来影响对回忆的预测性建模(predictive modeling)。


大卫·盖勒特(David Gelernter)是耶鲁大学一位备受尊重的计算机科学教授。他在他的书中精心构造了以下原理。




The Black Hole in Big Data

With all these data that is easily collected, from the cloud, the fog or some static device, the data is typically void of any metrics that can quantify emotion for the experiences their customers have. Large corporations use all the data they can gather from ubiquitous information-sensing mobile devices, software logs, cameras, microphones, radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers, and other technologies. But with all the different streaming metrics, there is a black hole that surrounds what should be emotion data. This void needs to be filled and companies need to plan on filling that void.

More than 92% of big data practitioners and experts do not even use the word “emotion” when they discuss experience and engagement metrics. If emotion metrics are not top of mind, than no valid use cases for those metrics will ever surface to the teams making decisions. The value of emotion is that it provides the necessary context and often the better predictors of behaviors, recall and intent.

With no “emotional compass”, the objective analysis in big data can be very accurate in defining a transaction or experience. But the question of, Will someone remember the experience?, exists only in the emotion data. The emotion data is what prompts someone to blend the facts with perceptions and possible implications to the experience. That is how the black hole affects predictive modeling for recall.

Our research has shown that physicians remember specific patients because of how the patient presentation or outcome made them feel, not because of a specific condition, treatment or degree of success. Strong correlation was seen between patients most remembered and severity of disease and type of disease, but the correlation was aligned with basic prevalence and incidence for those same conditions. The strongest predictor of a physician remembering a patient was the amount of emotion associated with each patient recollection (If you wish to know more about this study design, contact me).

David Gelernter, a well-respected professor of computer science at Yale University, crafted an excellent rationale in his book Mirror Worlds: or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox…How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean.

“When an expert remembers a patient, he doesn’t remember a mere list of words. He remembers an experience, a whole galaxy of related perceptions. No doubt he remembers certain words — perhaps a name, a diagnosis, maybe some others. But he also remembers what the patient looked like, sounded like; how the encounter made him feel (confident, confused?) … Clearly these unrecorded perceptions have tremendous information content. People can revisit their experiences, examine their stored perceptions in retrospect. In reducing a “memory” to mere words, and a quick-march parade step of attribute, value, attribute, value at that, we are giving up a great deal. We are reducing a vast mountaintop panorama to a grainy little black-and-white photograph.

There is, too, a huge distance between simulated remembering — pulling cases out of the database — and the real thing. To a human being, an experience means a set of coherent sensations, which are wrapped up and sent back to the storeroom for later recollection. Remembering is the reverse: A set of coherent sensations is trundled out of storage and replayed — those archived sensations are re-experienced. The experience is less vivid on tape (so to speak) than it was in person, and portions of the original may be smudged or completely missing, but nonetheless — the Rememberer gets, in essence, another dose of the original experience. For human beings, in other words, remembering isn’t merely retrieving, it is re-experiencing.”

The only way to fill the black hole, capture the emotional data and blend it with the more traditional data is to plan on capturing emotion data and design your process meticulously. Intent is the key when the goal is to understand emotional engagement, the voice of the customer or map the overall experience.




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