

作者: 大数据观察来源: 大数据观察时间:2017-03-17 17:33:070


【编者按】大数据时代来的有点突然,数据科学家数量有限,难以满足市场需求。要想成为数据科学家需要较高的数学天分,需要熟悉各种复杂的数据模型和算法,往往还要在相关领域取得博士学位,普通的数据分析软件又有太多缺陷,难以替代数据科学家,这一切使数据科学家成为名副其实的高薪阶层,然而近期却有传闻雇佣数据科学家一小时只需30美元,VentureBeat的作家Jordan Novet为我们做了详细的报道。




Vincent Granville是一个数据科学家,一次偶然的机会,他发现一些专业数据分析人士在自由职业者网站Elance上寻求一份30美元一小时的工作,近期他在数据科学中心网站上发布的一篇博客详细描述了这一事件。

这个求职者叫Andrew Collier,他在Elance简历上称自己是数据科学家,期望自己的工资最低为25美元一小时。他称自己可以完成机器学习、建模、数据分析和可视化等相关的工作。


Pete Skomoroch之前是LinkedIn重要的数据科学家,他表示很难相信数据科学家会为这么少的工资工作。








John Foreman是MailChimp的首席数据科学家,他通过邮件告诉我他们判定是否是数据科学家的标准并不高,只需要能够执行数据汇总、聚合或者能够为已经提前定义好的任务建模就可以了,这样想想,30美元一小时的收入似乎也不是特别差。




Granville说:“那些每小时收费150元到250元的数据科学家将会很难找到新的客户了。”——Granville是数据科学家,他为CNET、eBay、Visa和Wells Fargo等很多家这样的公司工作。





Tapping the wisdom of a data scientist might not be cost-prohibitive after all.

Data scientist Vincent Granville came across analytics professionals who ask for $30 per hour on freelancer site Elance, according to a blog post he wrote earlier this week on the site Data Science Central.

Indeed, one Elancer called Andrew Collier, who identifies himself as a data scientist on his Elance profile, offers his services for as low as $25 an hour. He says he can do machine learning, modeling, data analysis, and visualization.

This could be a surprise for those who have heard how popular and sought after data scientists are today — and how they can earn six-digit salaries.

Pete Skomoroch, former principal data scientist at LinkedIn, finds the notion of data scientists working for such low wages dubious.

“While I empathize and I’m sure some people are having difficulty competing with offshore consultants, I think this story is an outlier that doesn’t match what I’m hearing from most data scientists on the market right now,” Skomoroch told me via email. “I know hundreds of data scientists inside and outside of Silicon Valley, and the story I hear from them is one of rapidly rising consulting rates and a barrage of recruiters in their inbox.”

He’s heard about rates of $300 or $400 per hour for top data consultants.

But free online courses, top-tier universities, and specialized programs offer training in data science, and they could be increasing the supply of data scientists and putting downward pressure on wages.

Some startups talk about automating certain parts of the work data scientists can do, but many data scientists point to shortcomings in such tools. So at least for now, companies across many industries are willing to bring aboard real, live, breathing data scientists.

It’s just that companies might not have to pay so much if they only need intermittent help from data scientists for certain kinds of tasks. Perhaps more low-level work could be outsourced for low fees.

Then again, you get what you pay for.

“If by data scientist, we mean ‘a person who can perform a data summary, aggregation, or modeling task that has been well-defined for them in advance’ then it is by no means a surprise that there are folks who can do this at a $30/hr price point,” John Foreman, chief data scientist at MailChimp, told me via email.

But if companies want highly technical engineers who can solve specific problems, or people who can take business problems and figure out how to solve them with data science, they might be willing to pay significantly more, Foreman wrote.

Still, rates as low as $30 per hour can’t be good for some data scientists seeking to make a living today.

“Those charging $150 to $250 per hour are having a difficult time finding new clients,” wrote Granville, who has done work for such companies as CNET, eBay, Visa, and Wells Fargo.

In his post, Granville provides tips that could help data scientists in the US bring in more money than just $30 an hour. He says that a US-based data scientist stands a better chance of getting work if they articulate the ability to meet in person, handle sensitive data, or work in the same time zone as a prospective customer.

But even when US-based data scientists offer advantages that their overseas peers can’t, some might no longer be able to command the eye-popping pay rates they could before, as more data scientists emerge.

Just don’t tell big data company Palantir, which pays the average intern more than $7,000 a month.




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